Europe C2C12 - Richmond to Osmotherley

The longest day of our hike, 25 miles from Richmond across the flat Vale of Mowbray to Osmotherley, on the first slope of the Yorkshire Moors, passing richly productive farmland
P5140675   RICHMOND TO OSMOTHERLEY P5140676   Richmond is at the eastern end of the Dales. From here we walk a flat 23 miles across the Vale of Mowbray to the base of the North Yorkshire Moors near Ingleby Cross. P5140677 P5140678
P5140679 P5140680 P5140682 P5140683
P5140685 P5140686 P5140687 P5140688
P5140689   We cross a lot of cultivation in this segment P5140690 P5140691 P5140692
P5140693 P5140694 P5140695 P5140697
P5140698 P5140699 P5140700 P5140701   Our first break is at Bolton-on-Swale
P5140703   Bolton-on-Swale: reputed home of a 169-year-old man P5140704   The Maryland Colony in the New World began here P5140705 P5140706
P5140707 P5140708 P5140709   Ivy-covered trees P5140710
P5140711 P5140712 P5140713 P5140714   A break at Danby Wiske
P5140715 P5140717 P5140718 P5140719   This honor box is a freezer chest running on a farm we cross, serving ice cream and cold sodas
P5140720 P5140721   I don't know what this is doing here either P5140722   Near Wray House, we cross a major railway P5140723
P5140724   Canola appears once more. It likes the sunnier climate near the North Sea coast. P5140725 P5140726   At Ingleby Cross we divert south to Osmotherley P5140727
P5140728 P5140729 P5140730 P5140731
P5140732 P5140733 P5140735   Osmotherley P5140736   The central square. Our dining spot is the place with the umbrellas.
P5140737 P5140738   I'm all by myself at 32 South End P5140739   The propritor keeps bees, so there are three kinds of honey for breakfast P5140740